
STEALTH.unlimited (set up in 2000 by Ana Dzokic and Marc Neelen) is a practice based between Rotterdam and Belgrade in which over the years have collaborated Milica Topalovic, Ivan Kucina and Mario Campanella.

STEALTH.unlimited is a practice with an interest in urban systems who's approach starts with turning usually not recognized urban practices and relations visible. It is a view on the city driven by dynamics of spatial and programmatic evolution - and a perspective that finds its relevance in culture, art and science as much as in spatial planning. STEALTH often uses participatory or knowledge creation mode based on the shifting perspectives of crossovers fields – visual culture, urban research, spatial intervention, cultural activism.STEALTH shapes opportunities where various fields of investigation can meet and where thinking about possible future(s) of the city are mobilized. It focuses on innovative aspects of sometimes hidden, temporary or unplanned urban practices that challenge ways in which to create physical aspects of the city and of its culture.
