Watching, with careful attention the emergence of a new urbanity, Laboratoire develops transverse urban interventions involving a network of artists coming from the five continents. Either writers or visual artists, they exchange and collate with the inhabitants of the site their own singular experiment of the World. For instance in Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg, Sao Paulo, Abidjan, Algiers... but also in urban contexts particularly shattered, such as Sarajevo, Tchernobyl or Grosny.
Initiated by two artists, Maryvonne Arnaud and Philippe Mouillon, Laboratoire is today a changeable-scale association, depending on the number and the complexity of the undertaken events. Artists, writers, geographers, town planners, philosophers, sociologists or music composers… more than five hundred artists and researchers from the whole world have been associated as time went by, for a few hours, several years or deliberately for a process without any deadline! For example, the writers Ahmadou Kourouma, Patrick Chamoiseau, Jacques Lacarrière, or artists such as Rekha Rodwittiya, William Kentridge, Ester Grinspum, Rachid Koraichi or Alfredo Jaar.