ciac - icca

Online Resource for information and documentation dedicated to public art provides access to a vast field of information about contemporary public art and its current developments throughout the world. is a specialized online resource for information and documentation dedicated exclusively to art in the public arena. The original web site was launched in 1997 by Herve Bechy (Editor in Chief) and Richard Combet Joly (Web Developer). Its purpose: to create a vast European International online database on public art. This makes it a valuable administrative tool for documentation as well as a practical resource for professionals, researchers and educators in the visual arts.

Intersections of Art, Technology, Science & Culture - Links

Intersections of Art, Technology, Science & Culture - Links is compiled by Stephen Wilson , Professor, CIA Program , Art Dept, San Francisco State University. These links are part of the research for Wilson's book Informati on Arts (MIT Press,2002).

Please see the book for more details about the artists, organizations, and texts listed in these links and for extended analysis of the relationship of art and research. The links are constantly being revised and suggestions are welcomed. Feel free to use these resources but please attribute source.

The Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)

The Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) organizes and produces exhibitions, debates, festivals and concerts, programmes film cycles, courses and lectures, and encourages creation using new technologies and languages. It promotes artistic research in fields such as multimedia, backs research into exhibition formats, exports its in-house productions to other national and international arts centres, museums and institutions, and generates debate, thought and reflection on the theme of the city and the public domain, as well as other issues of current affairs. The CCCB also compiles materials that are available for public consultation, comprising its inheritance, its holdings and archives of exhibition formats, publications, digital archives, audiovisuals, and so on. It is a space open to groups of independent artists, creators and programmers, and to various bodies with which we have forged bonds over the years. Thanks to all of them, we can guarantee a quality multidisciplinary programme that furthers contemporary culture.

InterSpace Media Art Center

InterSpace Association was founded in 1998 as a non-profit association of artists, informatics engineers and do-it-yourself media makers. The organization has been active since in the realization of art projects, organization of events, in research, education and training, all linked to an attempt to contextualize, exploit the potential of and apply new technology to network and community building. Present activities are structured in four major programs – education, art and culture, technology and self sustainability.


Local.contemporain est un foyer de recherches originales et d’initiatives artistiques autour des territoires urbains contemporains, initié par Laboratoire sculpture urbaine avec le concours de la Conservation du Patrimoine de l’Isère.
Notre terrain d’analyse et d’expérimentation, la région grenobloise, est précisément circonscrit car ce territoire nous apparaît emblématique du décalage profond entre ses réalités économiques, sociologiques et urbaines, et les représentations qui en émanent ou s’y attachent. Les formes émergentes sont pourtant extrêmement riches, mais ne correspondent plus à l’image connue et assimilée de la réalité urbaine. Au-delà de la simple soumission apparente à un ordre inéluctable, des brèches existent, des pratiques s'inventent, qui échappent. Local.contemporain tente à la fois de repérer ces échappées nouvelles et de les amplifier en associant artistes, chercheurs et pédagogues dans une entreprise de renouvellement du regard.
Ce choix d’un local circonscrit n’aurait évidemment de sens sans la pleine conscience des nouvelles échelles de temps et d’espace en cours d’installation. C’est pourquoi notre approche est résolument transversale et internationale, associant à Tokyo, Fort-de-France ou Saint Martin d’Hères, écrivains, géographes, urbanistes ou compositeurs.
Chaque année, nous publions une revue croisant les regards d’artistes, de chercheurs et de pédagogues. Nous produisons aussi une exposition ou un geste d’échelle urbaine.


Watching, with careful attention the emergence of a new urbanity, Laboratoire develops transverse urban interventions involving a network of artists coming from the five continents. Either writers or visual artists, they exchange and collate with the inhabitants of the site their own singular experiment of the World. For instance in Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg, Sao Paulo, Abidjan, Algiers... but also in urban contexts particularly shattered, such as Sarajevo, Tchernobyl or Grosny.

Initiated by two artists, Maryvonne Arnaud and Philippe Mouillon, Laboratoire is today a changeable-scale association, depending on the number and the complexity of the undertaken events. Artists, writers, geographers, town planners, philosophers, sociologists or music composers… more than five hundred artists and researchers from the whole world have been associated as time went by, for a few hours, several years or deliberately for a process without any deadline! For example, the writers Ahmadou Kourouma, Patrick Chamoiseau, Jacques Lacarrière, or artists such as Rekha Rodwittiya, William Kentridge, Ester Grinspum, Rachid Koraichi or Alfredo Jaar.


argos is a Brussels based centre for art and media that was founded in 1989. Over the years the organisation has developed from a distributor of artists' video and film into a broader art centre incorporating also functions as exhibitions, screenings and events, production, conservation and preservation, publishing and the development of a public media library.

HEIDE Museum of Modern Art

Heide Museum of Modern Art is a unique space – a synthesis of indoor and outdoor environments, a place of modern and contemporary art and design and a rich and colourful art heritage and social history. Located just 15 minutes from Melbourne’s CBD, Heide is one of Australia’s leading public art museums.

The Australian Center for Contemporary Art - Melbourne

The Australian Centre for Contemporary Art is Melbourne’s leading contemporary art gallery presenting the most challenging, innovative and creative visual art of our time. Designed by Melbourne based architects, Wood Marsh, ACCA’s distinctive steel building is in the heart of Melbourne’s arts precinct in Southbank. The landmark rust-red structure is one of Melbourne’s architectural icons. ACCA brings the latest and most significant artwork by living artists from around the world to Melbourne audiences, and commissions new artworks by local and international artists. ACCA is a Kunsthalle. It is the only major public art gallery in Australia focused on commissioning rather than collecting.


The Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia was established as the Contemporary Art Society in 1942, resultant of a breakaway group from the Royal Society of Arts by young artists seeking greater opportunities for their work. The Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia, incorporated in 1986, has a significant history of contemporary visual arts activity and maintains strong links with the South Australian community through its membership. In the past decade and a half the Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia has developed into one of Australia's leading contemporary visual art spaces and publishers, one of two Adelaide members of the national Contemporary Art Organisations of Australia (CAOS).


The EAF incorporates a gallery space, bookshop and artists studios. The EAF curates its exhibition program to represent new work that expands current debates and ideas in contemporary art and culture.
The EAF's 2007 Exhibitions Program explores various concepts in contemporary art including Situationism And Psycho-geography, Redefining What Is Human, Subversive Art, Novel Practices In Art/Social Space, Art And Biotechnology, and Painting.


STEALTH.unlimited (set up in 2000 by Ana Dzokic and Marc Neelen) is a practice based between Rotterdam and Belgrade in which over the years have collaborated Milica Topalovic, Ivan Kucina and Mario Campanella.

STEALTH.unlimited is a practice with an interest in urban systems who's approach starts with turning usually not recognized urban practices and relations visible. It is a view on the city driven by dynamics of spatial and programmatic evolution - and a perspective that finds its relevance in culture, art and science as much as in spatial planning. STEALTH often uses participatory or knowledge creation mode based on the shifting perspectives of crossovers fields – visual culture, urban research, spatial intervention, cultural activism.STEALTH shapes opportunities where various fields of investigation can meet and where thinking about possible future(s) of the city are mobilized. It focuses on innovative aspects of sometimes hidden, temporary or unplanned urban practices that challenge ways in which to create physical aspects of the city and of its culture.


permanent breakfast

On the morning of the first of may 1996 a group of artists around Friedemann Derschmidt began to breakfast in public places. The idea is quite simple and catching: one person invites to breakfast. The invited persons (usually 4) commit themselves to invite to a public breakfast on the next possible date. And so on. As a matter of fact, the public breakfast became a kind of cult, and more often people could be seen taking a seat at a beautifully set breakfast table standing on a spare parking space in a parking lot, an empty disfunctional fountain or in parks or malls. Hundreds of photos (some of them from Praha, Berlin, Oslo and Melbourn to name a few ) have been sent as prove of the many different places and breakfasts that have had been held. This initiative is conceived as reaction to the recent city policy of keeping away disturbing individuals from city centres. Additionally, «permanent breakfast» aims at revitalising urban spaces.

"Breakfast in public places as the own street, in the park, between public buildings, on the sidewalk and so on is a contribution to the urban communication. The Viennese version of the Speakers Corner. Tourists become curious, ask, and after being told an invited to breakfast promise to start new breakfast lines in their own cities and to send photos."Friedemann Derschmidt.


Stroom Den Haag

Stroom Den Haag (an independent foundation founded in 1989) is an active center for visual arts and architecture. Stroom has an active policy for artists from The Hague and also initiates a large number of (international) activities in the fields of visual arts, art in public space, architecture and design, in the broadest sense of the word.
Stroom organizes exhibitions, manifestations and lectures, makes publications, has a library on its premises and develops special projects in the field of art in public space and architecture.
The name Stroom was chosen because it stands for energy and movement.


UbuWeb is a completely independent resource founded in November of 1996, dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts. Its parameters continue to expand in all directions. All materials on UbuWeb are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights belong to the author(s). UbuWeb embodies an unstable community, neither vertical nor horizontal but rather a Deleuzian nomadic model: a 4-dimensional space simultaneously expanding and contracting in every direction, growing "rhizomatically" with ever-increasing unpredictability and uncanniness.


(see english text below)

Centrul International pentru Artă Contemporană - CIAC este o instituţie independentă ce funcţionează ca interfaţă dinamică şi flexibilă între scena artistică din România şi cea internaţională. Centrul se adresează cu prioritate generaţiei tinere de artisti, critici, formatori, manageri culturali, iubitori de arta, dezvoltând proiecte în complementaritate cu activitatile celorlalti actori culturali din Romania.

Fundaţie non-guvernamentala, apolitica si non-profit fondată în 1999 în Bucureşti - a carei misiune este de a promova arta contemporană românească, de a stimula schimburile culturale între România si celelalte ţări din lume şi de a favoriza circulatia informatiei despre arta actuala - CIAC promoveaza in special arta alternativă, noile medii de creaţie, multiculturalitatea şi interdisciplinaritatea.

Strategia de programe are ca directie prioritara prezenta in scena internationala prin dezvoltarea de parteneriate cu centre şi instituţii similare privind generarea de proiecte expozitionale, schimburi de informatii, rezidente de artisti, studenti, profesori invitati etc.
Una dintre resursele importante de care dispune CIAC rezida in apartenenta la o serie de retele formale sau informale de creatie contemporana precum si in contactele de colaborare cu prestigioase institutii si personalitati din lume.

CIAC se defineste ca: CENTRU DE RESURSE prin baza documentara ce contine informatii despre artişti români, biblioteca, mediateca, videoteca si colectia de diapozitive; LABORATOR DE CREATIE prin promovarea noilor tehnologii in arta directionata catre explorarea resurselor creative si de comunicare; PLATFORMA ARTISTICA DE CONECTARE axata pe investigarea inter-relatiei dintre creatia contemporana (ca mijloc de diseminare a valorilor si (trans)formare a mentalitatilor) oras si comunitatea urbana.

Prin proiectele propuse activitatea CIAC urmăreste determinarea unei mai bune cunoaşteri şi înţelegeri a fenomenului artistic contemporan, stimularea artiştilor din România şi consolidarea poziţiei lor pe scena internaţională precum şi atragerea şi educarea publicului către arta contemporane.

CIAC - Centrul International pentru Arta Contemporana - Bucuresti
ICCA - International Center for Contemporary Art - Bucharest
Adresa postală: CP 1-827; T/F (+ 4) 021.322 3628;


The International Center for Contemporary Art – ICCA is an independent institution that has been active for over seven years as a dynamic and flexible interface between the Romanian and the international art scene. The projects developed are aimed at complementing the other activities in the field (state run or independent). They primarily address the young generation of artists, critics, educators, cultural managers, art lovers. ICCA activities are focused on alternative art, new media, multiculturalism and interdisciplinarity.

ICCA is a nongovernmental foundation, apolitical and non-profit funded in 1999 in Bucharest, whose mission is to promote Romanian contemporary art, to stimulate cultural exchanges between Romania and other countries in the world and to facilitate the information exchange on the art of today.

The priority of the program strategy is the participation on the international art scene, by establishing collaborative partnerships with similar centers and institutions, for generating exhibition projects, information exchanges, opportunities for artists in residency, visiting students, guest professors etc. One of the main assets of ICCA is the networking. The Center is member in a series of formal or informal networks in the field of contemporary art.

ICCA is: A RESOURCE CENTER with a data collection on Romanian contemporary artists; a library; a video / multimedia / slide collection; A CREATIVE LAB, exploring the inspirational and communicational resources of the new technologies in art; AN ARTISTIC CONNECTIVE PLATFORM focused on researching the inter-relationship between contemporary creation (as a tool in disseminating values and (trans)forming mentalities) the city and the urban community.
ICCA activities and projects are aimed at developing a better knowledge and understanding of the contemporary artistic phenomenon, at supporting Romanian artist and strengthening their position on the international scene as well as at inviting and educating the public in better understanding contemporary art.

Contact information:
CIAC - Centrul International pentru Arta Contemporana - Bucuresti
ICCA - International Center for Contemporary Art - Bucharest
Postal Address: PO BOX 1-827; T/F (+ 4) 021.322 3628;

Bun venit la / welcome to

Blog-ul CIAC va propune un ”digest”, o serie de link-uri catre pagini pe care le consideram de interes si care ofera informatii privind interventii artistice in relatie cu spatiul urban sau resurse teoretice menite sa va fie de folos in cercetarile personale. In masura in care ne puteti ajuta sa imbogatim aceasta sursa de informare cu informatii noi va rugam sa ne trimiteti propunerile voastre. Formatul de afisare contine o scurta descriere a proiectului si link-ul catre pagina sursa. Va rugam sa tineti cont ca acest blog este moderat si nu contine comentarii personale.

ICCA blog invites you to a ”digest” of information on artistic interventions or theoretical resources in relation with the urban sphere that we consider of great interest and might help you in your research. You are welcome to contribute with new links on the above mentioned topic. Your post should include a short presentation of the project and the link to the source website. Please note that this blog is moderated and doesn't show personal comments to posts.